Become a Festival Ambassador!

The Maryland STEM Festival Ambassador program is for any Maryland Middle or High School Student. Join us for our next virtual meeting on August 7th at 7 pm.  Email us for link at The Ambassador at program’s objective is to promote and participate in the Festival in the months leading up to and during the Festival. There are additional opportunities to work with the Festival. Ambassadors receive a toolkit and swag to help promote the Festival. Ambassadors let their teachers and administrators know they are participating in the program.  is

  1. Some of the ways Ambassadors have promoted the Festival is to
  • Host information tables at their school and in their neighborhoods
  • To Post on their personal social media accounts
  • Draft emails for classmates and their families
  • Draft information for morning announcements
  • CreatedSTEM events
  1. Ambassadors are encouraged to attend and report on individual events.
  2. Ambassadors support the Festival throughout the year
  • Host table at other events
  • assist with website
  • create STEM events
  • create social media
  • create posters and flyers
  1. Two Ambassadors can serve on the Maryland STEM Festival Board of Directors.  Send me your resume if you would like to be consider for these positions.  The Board will vote on the student positions at the September 9th meeting.
  2. Ambassadors can receive service hours for their work.
  3. Ambassadors can be featured on ourpodcast!  Let me know if you would like to be on a podcast.  
  4. Being an ambassador looks good on a college resume
  5. Occasionally, there are freebies, such as a tour of the new eSports facility in DC and movie tickets.

There is no minimum or maximum hours required Our next meeting will be in early August.  The video from July 15th Ambassador meeting is available here.