Become a Festival Host!

Join the growing community of organizations and individuals that are hosting STEM events.  It’s easy and it’s fun.  There isn’t any fee to participate in the Festival.  Check out our Festival Host guide. Final_2024_Host_Guide

As a Festival Host, you will 

1.  Encourage interest in STEM 

2.  Recieve help promoting the event through our website and social media

3.  Recieve cool swag including t-shirts, hats, posters and wristbands

4.  Have Fun

5. Receive our undying appreciation!

Additional questions can be submitted to

Submit your events here

We have a variety of tools to help Festival hosts run their event

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Poster

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Horizontal Logo 

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Vertical Logo

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Attendee Survery 2024_MSF_Attendee_Survey

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Event News Release Template 2024_MSF_Event_News_Release_Template

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Poster Template BW 2024_MSF_Event_Poster_Template_B_W

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Poster Template Color 2024_MSF_Event_Poster_Template_Color

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Information Boilerplate 2024_MSF_Information_Boilerplate

2024 Maryland STEM Festival Media Advisory Template 2024_MSF_Media_Advisory_Template